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Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, ágúst 2006

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Eins og undanfarnar vikur þá er ég búin að taka saman komment af rockband.com þar er mikið efnbi bæði um raunveruleikaþáttinn og performanceþáttinn í gær. Það tekur tíma að lesa yfir þetta og þess vegna er ég að spara þeim sporin sem hafa lítið af honum svo að það sé hægt að grípa tíma til að kjósa þegar að því kemur.

Ég las það á umræðunum í gær að rangur kosningatími hefði verið gefinn upp í emaili sem sent var til margra Íslendinga............. leiðréttið þetta við vini og vandamenn. Þátturinn verður á gamla tímanum klukkan 01:00 og kosning frá 02:00-06:00 GMT (okkar tími m.a.) Það gengur auðvitað ekki ef að fólk er að vakna kæukkan 06:00 til að kjósa í hálftíma og kosningunni lýkur klukkan 06:00!!

En hér eru spoilerar fyrst umfjöllun um það hvernig hver og einn stóð sig síðan komment um frammistöðu Magna og að lokum pælingar um botn 3 og hver verði látinn fara.....

Þetta er mikil lesning þannig að ef þú fílar það ekki þá er best að hætta strax því að eftir að þú byrjar að' lesa þá er líklegt að þú munir ljúka lestrinum ;)

First off, it was an awesome show today. Dave Navarro called the closing performance “Fucking awesome” and in my opinion those words apply to all the singers. Down to the final six and they ALL deserve to be there and they all brought it. No disappointments, no let downs, no easy bottom three - the show was solid.

Now for the bad news - Ryan and Storm fans had better be ready to vote like mad on Tuesday. Start recruiting all your friends and family now, because your favorites are going to need it.

I get it, I really do. All the singers are good, and Supernova needs to steer it toward the singers they like - but it sucks big time to see them hinting at who should go home next.

So if you love Ryan, get ready to watch him slither across the piano and pull himself up and sing on his knees - one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen on that stage. And if you love Storm, get ready to watch her sing like she’s never sung before - the chick gave me shivers. And then get ready to vote, vote, vote!


Lukas - Lithium - Nirvana

Holy. Fucking. Shitballs. I can't even find the words to tell you how freaking GREAT GREAT GREAT this was. I'm trying to be specific so that you don't think I'm just some squeeing fan girl...oh, too late? You already think that? Well then, SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! Lukas kills it!!! He COMPLETELY rearranges the song. It bares no resemblance to Dilana's version, or to Nirvana's for that matter! He wore a long white fitted coat, lots of chains and crucifixes and skulls, and its his best look yet. CLEAR vocals, NO back turning, he WORKS THE STAGE while FACING the audience the entire time...and gives the best performance I've seen on Rockstar this season. I'm completely in love, and this performance made up for all the iffy ones. SN are in complete awe. Dave tries to psych Lukas out with..."So why did you think you could change up Nirvana??" Wait for it...."Because that was fucking AWESOME dude!" TLee was captivated! Gilby thought it was the BEST he's ever seen Lukas. Jason: thought Lukas was innovative and loved the arrangement. The audience didn't stop screaming for Lukas for a full minute after he was done singing. I wanted to cry for whoever had to follow THAT.

So I whipped out my hanky for....

Magni....           og  MUNA að Kjósa aðfaranótt miðvikudagsins 02:00-06:00


Magni - I, Alone - Live

Well of course Magni is born to sing Live songs. He was phenomenal, more straightforward interpretation of the song than Ryan's angry-postal version....at first...and freaking MAGNI goes wild! He's all over the stage, he's singing to chicks in the audience, then he leaps out into the audience, and you just heard a CHORUS of GIRLY SCREAMS as he made his way through the crowd and over to the Supernova Pad. He then proceeds to ROCK. OUT. in front of Supernova, who appeared to be really digging it ( I couldn't really see, I was standing right next to the rocker pod this week). His vocals through out are STELLAR (of course!) but he keeps building and building and getting more and more raw until he's all angsty and growly and sexy. Yum. Yum. Yum. He then runs back to the stage after the song ends. Dave: I wish you'd stayed over here so I could tell you to your FACE: YOU KILLED IT!!! Audience goes nuts! We're just so happy that Magni rocks it so hard and so well, especially after following Lukas. T Lee - loved it! Just wished Magni had kept going back into the bleachers to sing to the bleacher peeps. At that point GIRLY SCREAMS and standing O's from the bleachers for Magni!! And those folks don't get up for fucking ANYbody! Gilby: FINALLY, he sees in Magni that extra "something" he's been looking for all this time. Yay Magni!!! I pity the fool that has to follow THAT! And who's that fool, you ask?



Ryan - Clocks - Coldplay

So...we take a little break, so that the stage crew can wheel out a grand piano on stage...and I'm like, wha...? We've just had the ROOF torn off by both Lukas and Magni! Why the freaking hell is Ryan going to go all Elton John on our asses?? Ryan sits down, and starts into a few shaky acapella notes of Clocks. I look at the girl next to me and wince. Yikes! Bad beginning, dude! But then Ryan's voice evens out...and the first verse is sang clear and lovely. I settle in for another Piano Man special when...suddenly...RYAN FUCKING JUMPS UP ON TOP OF THE PIANO, rips the microphone off the stand and the House Band kicks in full force....and freaking Ryan starts rocking the house!! He's stomping and screaming and singing and pogoing all on top of the piano! He then jumps down, rocks the stage, goes back, plays a few stanzas on the piano then CRAWLS ON THE PIANO HOOD, all the while looking like he's going to eat our first born with some fava beans, hold the chianti! Woohoo!!!!!! It was crazy. I again don't know whether I loved it or thought it was a kook-fest. But everyone was again in awe of Ryan doing something totally unexpected. Gilby: hates Coldplay, and digs Ryan's voice and version more than the original! T Lee: would have wanted to have him change it up a bit more, make it heavier, but Ryan said: well he tried to listen to his fans, who had suggestions on how THEY wanted him to do it, so he listened to them. Jason: kinda "lost the plot" for some of Ryan's performance, and thought he seemed more comfortable either behind a piano or a guitar. I think Jason may have gotten booed here. Oh wait, the booing came when he commented on STORM's performance...I'm getting ahead of myself.

Storm - Bring Me to Life - Evanescance (sp?)

Okay, yes. This is the THIRD TIME we've heard this song, and everyone who's sung it has gotten the boot. Stormy comes out in a wine-red backless evening gown, her LOVER tattoo on glorious display, and gives the BEST STORM PERFORMANCE since Anything Anything!!!! I thought she was so fantastic - strong, vocals that went from melodic to hard edged - easily topping Jill's version of this by a country mile. But one verse into the song, and WHO should jump on stage with her to sing back up...? Toby! And the two of them together need to win this thing right now. The crowd went nuts, I went nuts. It was a show you would pay to see. We all pogoed our asses off! Storm and Toby never sang together, Toby stayed in the background and let Storm work the audience and the crowd, but he added a lot to the vocals and to the overall FUN of the performance. People I didn't even know spontaneously told me how GREAT that was, and that it was the BEST of the night. But what did Suave Porn think? Well, HERE'S where the heavy audience booing (all spontaneous) came in. Dave wondered why she shared the stage, at this stage of the competition. Storm: because the song called for it! All of SN commented how they liked TOBY's performance, but that they weren't really feeling Storm at all. Gilby went so far as to say, "I can still remember Jill's performance of that song. That was memorable! This...I don't think I'll remember it tomorrow." Gilby got booed like he was Thor (god of war) at a peace rally!! Gilby's hittin' the crack! Storm was awesome.

Next up...Toby.


Toby - Rebel Yell - Billy Idol

Okay, I'd just watched video of Lukas singing this at Universal City Walk on Friday, and thought he was great, and I've always loved JD's Citywalk version of Rebel Yell, too. Could our Toby even hold a candle to these other performances...? I was skeptical. Toby starts off fine, VERY. CLEARLY. E. NUNC. IATING. every word. And I immediately thing, "Oh, that's what the words are!" ;) But it seemed a little tame. The first two verses are sung standing pretty still, but are kinda rockin'. Just when I'm about to write off this version of Rebel Yell...Toby starts building to all out craziness! He leaps around, he's playful, relaxed, singing powerfully, and then...he really lets loose! He grabs like six or seven girls from the front row, (NOT plants because I actually know a couple of them are a poster's daughter and her friends) and drags them up on stage! These gals, all cuties, are squeeing like Toby is Elvis, they're practically crying as they dance up on stage with him. The audience goes wild, they LOVE IT! It looked like so much fun that one chick who wasn't even invited jumped on up! It looked like chaos up there, but Toby still held his vocals together VERY WELL, and the whole audience pogos with him. Long cheers after this was over. VERY fun performance!! Dave loved it, especially the last two thirds of song. TLee - loved it! But said, "That song is Rebel Yell. If you were a REAL rebel, you woulda rocked that shit NAKED!" Huge girly cheers and screams for that gem, which will sadly end up on the cutting room floor. Gilby: Toby's taken it to a new level with this performance, and last weeks. Go Toby!

And last up, my girl Dilana....

Dilana - Mother Mother - Tracy Bonham

Before each rocker starts singing, they show a little packaged clip about that rocker's struggle with the song or whatever. Dilana's clip again focused on her troubles. I was thinking, JEEZ, that must royally stink to have to hear that shit AGAIN right before you have to start singing. But Dilana just stands there, waiting for the clip to finish, guitar in hand, and just ITCHING to show the world what she's made of...and holy mama! Dilana on guitar, hair fully down turns into a cross between Lenny Kravitz and a whirling dirvish!! She doesn't even look down at the cords, you can tell she's done this before because she's SPOT. ON! Audience is at first kinda into it, but not nearly at the levels she's used to from all the previous tapings. At first! Then something clicks in the audience, and they suddenly get into Dilana again, and all the old love in the room starts to come back for her. You can't not absolutely fall under this spell, because...really...she was EVERYTHING. Rocking the guitar, MOVING all over the stage, she climbs on Sasha and sings to him, and her vocal range was stunning - homechick never missed a beat or a note. The song's tempo changes frequently but somehow Dilana got even our rhythmically challenged audience to keep the beat with her!! It ends with thunderous applause (though not as loud as previous weeks) and a standing O from Jason and Dave. Dave: this was his FAVORITE performance from all two seasons of Rockstar. Suave Porn guys mostly use their comments (all laced with bad language so it won't make it on to tv) to say that they've ALL fucked up in the press. Name someone who hasn't. To which Dave replies, "uh...Barry Manilow?" Hee. Anyway. Kudos to Dilana!
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Nokkur comment um frammistöðu Magna……………………. og MUNA AÐ KJÓSA aðfaranótt miðvikudagsins 02:00-06:00



Magni - this was perfection. He did a straight cover and his vocals were perfect. Awesome. He went into the audience and to the stud sofa and sang right in T. Lee's face. Gilby said tonight Magni gave that 'extra something' he had been looking for. Jason said Magni has a very deep well and tonight he dug deep from that well. T. Lee liked it but wished Magni had gone all the way to the people sitting in the back.


I'm so happy I think I am going to CRY!!!! Can not wait to see THISSSSSSSSS


Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I cant wait til Tuesday night, cant wait to see Magni kick some butt!!


YAY Magni! I really, really, REALLY am excited to see this one. LOVE Magni, and can so totally see him rock out on this one... Argh, can't wait!


Dayum! This review "makes me feel a certain way"! Standing O's .... poof!

Go Magni


I'm really stoked to hear that Magni killed it. He's been under pressure, hitting the bottom 3 twice, and to be able to keep giving us kickarse performances says alot about him.



Originally posted by cheryl


Originally posted by nicolehrb

waiting to hear about Magni. Could you tell that he had been hurt?

He said it was a minor flesh wound and you couldn't see anything - and I was fairly close. Dilana kissed the top of his head after they showed the clip.


I'm so glad she killed it! I'm even more happy everyone backed her up, and there was no 'Dilana intervention II the sequel'. I'm ecstatic for Magni! Maybe he can stay out of the bottom 3 this week. Also happy for Lukas and his fans, I know they were worried.

Thank you guys (spoilers) so much for this!


Oh, I am so glad to hear about the standing Os and girly squeeing for Magni.



I really, really want magni to win, but I still have the fantasy of him fronting the HB so I"m TORN!

me too BSC girl, Magni keeps stepping up his game, I think he is the best and most versatile singer, he is solid, you know he can last the tour as in he had a great voice that isn't going to die on him, I have some doubts frankly about both Dilana and Lukas having voices that are going to endure a lengthy tour, he is good with the media, he gets along with everyone, he has great guitar chops which I think Supernova could use to bring a little something extra, his original song was pretty good, not the best but up there in my opinion....I thought a few weeks ago he might be the sleeper but then I thought no he just isn't bringing it to the stage performance and then the Fire performance and he was so cool at the Citywalk performance, I don't know...but as we've discussed before, the studio recording that is going on behind the scenes is likely what is going to clinch this and we don't get to see much of this....I would love to see him make the final 3 at least but who knows, it's anyone's game this week...I love Toby too and he keeps stepping up his game, damn can they just hire Lukas and Dilana for Supernova and then Toby and Magni to play with the House band as openers, cause man you'd guarantee selling out those concert seats....why yes I just figured it all out, that's how it will all shake out bwah

and then the opening band will be more successful than Supernova and Toby and Magni et all will rule the rock world bwah
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Magni - I, Alone - Live
Ok, if you’ve read my summaries in the past, you know I’m usually ‘eh’ about Magni, but not tonight. This was the first time Magni’s vocal captivated me. I was right there with him, with both fists pounding in the air from start to finish. He also made the cool move of leaving the stage and performing in the faces of SN. He was so into it, for a second I thought he was giving Tommy a lap dance, but I’m sure it just looked like that from the angle of where I was standing! haha It’s going to be sad to see Magni go, whether it’s this week or next. He is the heart of the mansion. Fashion wise, Magni finally wore something I liked. He had a white long sleeve tee ribbed tee with a grey print design on the front. He looked relaxed yet ready to rock.
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Hverjir eru líklegast í hættu ??????  

I think I"m seeing Storm and Ryan leaving next. I have a feeling that times in the B3 dont matter so much anymore. SN is going to boot whoever they dont want even if it's their first time in.


I've read other spoilers who seem to concur that the bottom 3 will be Magni, Ryan & Storm based on performances tonight. But we all know that it's about fanbase from here on end. I still think Dilana & Lucas are safe, the 3rd safe spot is up for grabs.

So somebody was asking about the song positions and that being last meant something. So because I went back and looked over the performance lists for the last 5 weeks.


My pick for bottom 3....Storm, Magni and Ryan, with most likely Storm going home. (At this point it will be hard to see anyone go home....we've become so attached to them all! But I think she impressed the SN guys the least.)

Right now, it is all SN's hands. So if they really want Storm, she might be in the B3 this week and next week, but it is up to Supernova whether or not they keep her. I think the only people for whom previous B3 appearances are going to matter are Magni and Ryan. Go to Top of Page



Originally posted by twezer

when do you think that the bottom 3 doesn't matter? I forget from last year, think it was when they were down to 4 maybe?

F5 last year - Jordis was sent home that week - JD fell in the B3 - he had the encore that night, sand lead on the group sing, and sang a B3 song. It WAS the JD show, and I think at that point, being in the B3 really didn't matter.

But this year, I feel like who ever ends up in the B3 this week, it doesn't really matter... Yeah, one will be sent home, but for the other two remaining, it's going to be a chance to showcase what they can do.


So I really have no clue who will be in the bottom three. But, since Magni's been in the bottom three the last two weeks in a row, and Ryan and Storm got the only negative feedback, it would make sense if that's the bottom three. It's going to hurt no matter who it is.


Based on the performance show spoilers, here are my predictions for the Elimination show:

Bottom 3: Storm, Ryan, Toby
Who stays/who goes home: Toby stays - mate, you got potential, and the ladies love you, we wanna see what else you got." Storm and Ryan go - comments from the pod, SN: "You guys have great performances, but they maybe to theatrical for us. That's not the vibe were going with (*for those of us who hated the LTLO cheese, insert snigger here*), you guys have great careers ahead of you as solo artists. Wish you all the best!"

Performances next week will determine who goes home out of Magni and Toby.


Gefum Magna tækifæri til þess að ...................... 



I Alone

Its easier not to be wise
And measure these things by your brains
I sank into eden with you
Alone in the church by and by

Ill read to you here, save your eyes
Youll need them, your boat is at sea
Your anchor is up, youve been swept away
And the greatest of teachers wont hesitate
To leave you there, by yourself,
Chained to fate

I alone love you
I alone tempt you
I alone love you
Fear is not the end of this!

Its easier not to be great
And measure these things by your eyes
We long to be here by his resolve
Alone in the church by and by
To cradle the baby in space
And leave you there by yourslef
Chained to fate

Oh, now, we took it back too far,
Only love can save us now, all these riddles that you burn
All come runnin back to you, all these rhythms that you hide
Only love can save us now, all these riddles that you burn
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Ef þig langar að rifja upp hvernig lagið er með Live 

og svona flutti Ryan lagið 


Magni annar í röðinni mað Live´s I Alone

Í þessari viku eru þátttakendur að syngja lögin sem áhorfendur kusu. Það val fór fram á heimsíðu þátttarins. Þessi lög hafa auðvitað öll verið flutt áður í þáttunum og að minnsta kosti 4 þeirra eru sokölluð wild card an það þýðir að annar þátttakandi flutti lagið síðast. 

Hér er laglistinn og sögur herma að allir þátttakendur séu að bæta frammistöðu sína.  ALLIR!!!

[i]Lukas - Lithium - Nirvana
Magni - I, Alone - Live
Ryan - Clocks - Coldplay
Storm - Bring Me Back to Life - Evanescance, with special guest singer...
Toby - Rebel Yell - Billy Idol
Dilana - Mother Mother - Tracy Bonham


Youtube stendur fyrir sínu ......


Það er nú ekkert smá æðislegt að geta farið inn á Youtube og fundið það sem meður þráir mest í augnablikinu. Í gærkvöldi leitaði ég og leitaði að upptökum frá City Walk. Keppendur RSSN voru þar að gera það gott :)

Engar upptökur voru komnar upp í gærkvöldi en nú eru þær komnar og ef þig langar til að hlusta á strákinn okkar þá drífurðu þig hingað en hér tekur hann Fire með HB.

Hér er ný viðbót við færsluna


Ryan - Back of My Car

Ryan - Blister in the Sun

Toby - White Wedding

Dilana - Time After Time

Dilana - Zombie

Toby & Magni - With or Without You

Toby & Magni - Where the Streets Have No Names

Lukas - Rebel Yell

Storm - Should I Stay or Should I Go

Mig Ayesa - Don't Change

Magni - Fire

Í næsta lagi syngja þau öll saman til  afmælisbarns sem er á svæðinu :)

Top 6 - Sweet Child O Mine

Svo vil ég hvetja áhugasama til þess að fara inn á íslenska umræðuborðið 

Nokkrar myndir frá City Walk okkar strákur getur ýmislegt :)))))))))))))))))

Magni að syngja með Lúkas


 Magni að syngja með Toby...þó að sumir haldi að þeir séu bara svangir :))))


 Magni að taka Fire með HB á City Walk


 Magni með Toby


Ekkert smá töff myndir....................




Magni í Fire með HB


 og enn meira


Magni getur sungið og spilað með hverjum sem er.....


 svo er það Dilana sem hefur fallið af stallinum en Magni er alltaf eins...


 hahahahaha sjáiði hvernig þau lifa sig inn í sönginn....


Ég gat ekki séð að hann hefði sungið eða spila með Ryan en með öllum hinum. Já honum er ekki fytjað saman stráknum OKKAR :))))) 

En það er ekki hægt að sleppa þessari hahahahahaha sjáðu Jaaaaasonnnnnn..............


og svo og svo....................fjárans peysan..................hahahahahahahahaaaaaa


og strákurinn okkar hvað gerið hann????????


 Einmitt hlær að öllu saman nema hvað ....hahahahahhahahaa

Svona lítur staðan út

Það er deginum ljóara að ef að Magni lendir í botn þremur aðfaranótt miðvikudagsins þá eru nánast allar líkur á því að hann verði látinn taka pokann sinn.

Hann hefur oftast verið á botninum af þeim sem eftir eru. Ekkert annað dugir til að tryggja honum öryggi nema það að halda honum frá botninum. TAKTU EFTIR AÐ ENGINN HEFUR LENT Í BOTN 3 ÞRISVAR Í RÖÐ! EKKI LÁTA ÞAÐ HENDA STRÁKINN OKKAR.

Núna er rétti tíminn til að taka þátt í kosningu. Í næstu viku er ef til vill annar rokkari sem hefur lent jafnoft og hann á botninum og þá á hann möguleika þó hann verði þar. Tryggjum stráknum okkar örugga stöðu ..............


Stuðningsmenn Magna á Egilsstöðum sameinast í tjaldi

Takk fyrir Sigrún :)

Svona eiga menn að vera. Á Egilsstöðum ætla menn að hittast í Ormstjaldi með teppi og kakó. Verið er að hugsa fyrir nettengingu svo að allir geti kosið og kosið og kosið.................

Í þættinum 6-7 á Skjá 1 á þriðjudagskvöldið er byrjað að hita upp fyrir kvöldið. Þátturinn allur er tileinkaður Rock Star Supernova keppninni. Fjallað verur um keppnina, keppendurnar, tónlistamenn koma í heimsókn og fólk er hvatt til að kjósa.

Aldan er farin af stað nú viljum við að hún vaxi og vaxi

mbl.is Stuðningsmenn Magna á Egilsstöðum koma saman í tjaldi á þriðjudagskvöld
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Paul Mirkovich tjáir sig á umræðum rockband.com


Ég stóðst nú ekki freistinguna að setja þetta svar Pauls hér inn. Einn af þátttakendum var að spyrja hann hvernig húsbandið hefði fílað að spila Fire með Magna.

Mér fannst líka einhvern vanta á myndina, svo þegar ég fór að skoða reality show liðinna vikna þá tók ég eftir hver það var.

Ég var nú alls ekki búin að átta mig á því hvað meðlimir bandsins hétu hvað þá hver væri hvað

En hér er fín mynd af honum og svar hans við einhverjum þeirra spurninga sem þátttakendur spjallborðins á rockband.com hafa sent inn. 








Paul Mirkovich
Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2006 :  11:16:20 PM  Show Profile
Okay,this is my last post for the evening as I have to do a choral arrangement this evening for Pink's show before bedtime.
Yes,we all dug playing with Magni,Great song,great guy. And yes of course he was playing gtr.
We all would definitely want to be back for season three,and four if there were one.
We will be there partying on New Years Eve if I can squeeze a couple of tickets out of the SN boys.
And Jd's version of that song would have sucked beyond belie and we never would have gotten another queen song ever again.
Okay that's it. I can't be sucked in to this pit of blog addiction.
Thanks again,Cheers,Paul


Einhverjir jólasveinar voru að halda því fram að Magni hefði ekki spilað á gítarinn en Paul svarar því skýrt og skorinort. Einnig var það sagt að það væri ómögulegt að hann hefði getað spila Fire með þessum frábæra snillingi í HB bandinu þegar hann tók sólóinn.... en hann Magni gerði það !!!!

Pæliði í því að þegar Paul svarar og hann var búinn að sýna fram á þð það væri hann sem væri að senda þessi innlegg því að sumir efuðust um að svo væri. En það að hann svarar þessu gefur Magna enn meiri meðbyr vegna þess sem áður hafði verið sagt.

Fólk er líka að dásama það hvernig hann söng þegar hann var með flensuna. Hann gat sungið svona vel þrátt fyrir að vera veikur..... fólk var bara búið að gleyma því að hann væri með flensu.  

Já strákurinn okkar á allt gott skilið :) 

Meira um þetta hér

 Þeir sem hafa áhuga á að skoða tölurnar geta farið hingað

Þeir sem voru að horfa í þessari viku voru að sjá einn af bestu þáttunum. Að vísu voru bara þrír söngvarar að láta ljós sitt skína en strákurinn okkar :) var ekkert smá bjartur.

Mig grunar að þáttruinn muni aftur verða #1 í vikunni sem er að koma og þess vegna ætlum við öll að kjósa og svo megum við alls ekki gleyma að kjósa ;) 

Það kostaði 99 krónur atkvæðið í SMS en ókeypis á netinu rockstar.msn.com og velja Vote en hvað heldurðu að það kostin núna í vikunni sem er að koma?????

19 krónur fyrir SMS og enn er að sjálfsögðu ókeypis að kjósa á netinu. Þá er bara að taka frá tíma aðfaranótt miðvikudagsins og KJÓSA...................... 

mbl.is Margir horfa á Magna
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Styðjum strákinn okkar!!!!!!



 Wiccagirl notandi  frá Íslandi á Rockband.com  sendi inn mjög fallega mynd af Magna sem Wenchy gerði. Ég gat ekki fundið neitt um Wenchy en fékk myndina lánaða til að birta hana  hér.

Þetta er greinilega mynd af honum þegar hann söng Creep og umgjörðin  mjög listræn. Ég hefði nú haft gaman af því að vita hver Wenchy er svo að ég gæti nú sagt takk fyrir að leyfa okkur hinum að sjá.

Þessi mynd er eitt af mörgum dæmum um það að fólk er að gefa sig í að bjarga Magna frá því að lenda á botninum.  Magni hefur fengið miklu meiri umfjöllun en áður eftir síðasta Elimination þátt, þar að auki þá var þa´tturinn sá vinsælasti á stöð CBS en hann hefur ekki verið að fá nægjanlega mikið áhorf. Aldurshópurinn 18 til 45 horfði mest á þennan þátt.

Milljónir manna hafa því verið að horfa. Þegar ég hugsa um keppni og keppnisanda þá kemur upp í kollinn á mér hvernig stuðningsmenn hafa getað peppað sinn keppanda upp með hrópum og köllum, verið á staðnum, mætt á leikinn og lifað sig inn í stöðuna. Þegar keppendur í RSSN fengu að lesa bloggin sín þá sáu þau stuðning sem þau annars hafa ekki aðgang að.

Eini stuðningurinn sem keppendur fá er sá sem gefinn er í salnum, þar eru meiri líkur á að  Amerísku keppendurnir séu með stuðningsmenn heldur en Toby og Magni. Að sjálfsögðu hafa þeir eignast nýja stuðningsmenn en ég er nú að meina stuðnigsmenn eins og vinir og vandamenn.

Það sem við getum gert til þess að hvetja strákinn okkar áfram er að hvetja aðra til að kjósa hann aðfaranótt þriðjudagsins. Enginn stuðningur er meira virði en sá núna í augnablikinu. Að koma í veg fyrir að hann lendi í botn þremur er eina örugga leiðin til þess að styðja hann áfram.

Allir eru búnir að sjá hvaða mann Magni hefur að geyma og hve miklum hæfileikum hann er búinn en fans eru fans og þeir kjósa goðið sitt nánast hvað sem gerist. Það verður til dæmis athyglisvert að sjá hvort Dilana lendir í botn þremur í næstu viku. Þá faúm við vikrilega að sjá hve fastir fans eru fyrir. Ég óttast að hún lendi ekki þar en ég er búin að missa áhugann á að styðja hana. Hún syngur á sjarmerandi hátt en persónleiki hennar spillir fyrir mér í að njóta þess sem hún hefur fram að fræra.

Nýjasta fréttin sem ég hef lesið í samband við stuðnig við Magna er að Skjár1 og Síminn hafa lækkað sms gjaldið fyrir hvert atkvæði úr 99krónum í 19krónur, nú svo er auðvitað ókeypis að kjósa á netinu.

Ég hef heyrt suma segja að þeir kjósi ekki því að hvað munar svo sem um 10 atkvæði. Það munar um hvert einasta atkvæði þegar við hugsum svona. Ef að 100 manns sleppa því að kjósa vegna þess að það tekur því ekki þeir hafi hvort eð er svo lítil áhrif þa´eru það 100 atkvæði  miðað við að kosið ´se einu sinni. Í vikunni sem er að líða munaði tugum atkvæða á Magna og næsta manni. Eitt hundarað atkvæði hefu forðað honum af botninum.

Við getum samt glaðst yfir því vegna þess að annars hefði hann ekki flutt Fire en það eru margir á þeirri skoðun að það sem BESTI flutningurinn EVER.

Íslendingar styðjum strákinn okkar kjósum öll, eitt atkvæði er betra en ekkert atkvæði en til að vera viss þá kjósið, kjósið og ........KJÓSIР

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