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Stuðningsmenn Magna á Egilsstöðum sameinast í tjaldi

Takk fyrir Sigrún :)

Svona eiga menn að vera. Á Egilsstöðum ætla menn að hittast í Ormstjaldi með teppi og kakó. Verið er að hugsa fyrir nettengingu svo að allir geti kosið og kosið og kosið.................

Í þættinum 6-7 á Skjá 1 á þriðjudagskvöldið er byrjað að hita upp fyrir kvöldið. Þátturinn allur er tileinkaður Rock Star Supernova keppninni. Fjallað verur um keppnina, keppendurnar, tónlistamenn koma í heimsókn og fólk er hvatt til að kjósa.

Aldan er farin af stað nú viljum við að hún vaxi og vaxi

mbl.is Stuðningsmenn Magna á Egilsstöðum koma saman í tjaldi á þriðjudagskvöld
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

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1 Smámynd: Sigrún Sæmundsdóttir

Ég er búin að vera að senda e-mail víða núna, því að þar sem maður kemur er allstaðar talað um Magna, OG töluvert um að fólk sem ekki er að flakka á netinu, fer bara inn á rockstar-síðuna og ekkert meir, Ég var vör við þetta á fimmtudag, sendi aðila allar síður sem ég var með, og er ég þurfti að koma við á vinnustað hans í gær ha ha þá vöru allir að skoða. Þannig að það er að verða rífandi stemming.

Sigrún Sæmundsdóttir, 26.8.2006 kl. 20:41

2 Smámynd: Pálína Erna Ásgeirsdóttir

Já fólk er greinilega að lifan við. Við þurfum líka að taka á honum stóra okkar aðfaranótt miðvikudagsins. Rosalega gaman að heyra af þessu hjá þér.

Pálína Erna Ásgeirsdóttir, 26.8.2006 kl. 21:40

3 Smámynd: Birna M

Jebb, nú er að taka á honum stóra sínum. Það var þetta sem vantaði, fólk hefur pínulítið verið að þreytast. En nú er allt í gangi, þetta kemur allsstaðar að manni. Flott mál.

Birna M, 27.8.2006 kl. 01:21

4 Smámynd: HNH

Áfram Magni.. hann er bestur af þeim enda frá frábæru landi:)

Við skötuhjúin munum vaka og kjósa eins og áður, þetta er svo spennandi.

kv frá Ak.

HNH, 27.8.2006 kl. 10:38

5 Smámynd: Pálína Erna Ásgeirsdóttir

Alltaf gaman að fá nýja gesti. Velkomin Heiðveig Nanna, gaman að heyra að þið munuð vaka og kjósa. Það peppar mig sannarlega að leita að upplýsingum um Magna og skrifa hér þegar þið dettið í heimsókn og ég tala nú ekki um þegar nokkrar línur eru sendar inn. Ég held bara að ég myndi ekki verða glaðari þó að einn af mínum nánustu væri að standa sig eins og strákurinn okkar er að gera.

Birna ég hef einmitt tekið eftir þreytunni enda fólk búið að vera vansvefta um hrið :)

Erlendir fans hinna ýmsu þátttakenda eru jákvætt mjög hissa yfir samstöðu Íslendinga.

Íslendigar munu verða eftirminnanlegri ef okkur tekst í samvinnu veð erlenda fans að halda Magna frá botninum.

Skinnybitch er þátttakandi á umræðuborði rockband.com og hefur sagt fréttir af þeirri samstöðu sem er að byggjast upp hér.

Fólk er yfir höfuð UNDRANDI að síminn og skjár1 ætli að lækka gjaldið við sms kosninguna og emailin sem við öll höfum fengið....

Sem sagt í stuttu máli "Áfram Magni"

Pálína Erna Ásgeirsdóttir, 27.8.2006 kl. 11:49

6 identicon

sástu þetta ???

This is why Supernova have to chose Magni to be the frontman of theyr band. I found this critic on the internet. Says everything aubout this competition.

TV Review: Rock Star: Supernova - Ice Brings Fire


Jewels Richardson

August 25, 2006

Rock Star: Supernova, this year's reality rock show talent search, is looking for a lead singer to front the newly formed Supernova, a band comprised of Gilby Clark of Guns N Roses, Jason Newsted of Metallica, and Tommy Lee from Motley Crue. The producers' travels took them on a global quest which brought them to Iceland.

Magni Asgeirsson was one of the aspiring rockers who auditioned. Magni already had formulated his dream to be a rocker by age eleven; by fifteen, he was performing. His first album, cut in 1997, was with his band, Shape. Magni left Shape in 1999 to join the up and coming pop band, A Moti Sol. They toured all over Iceland, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Luxembourg, and the famous Cavern Club in Liverpool. They've released six albums -- two went gold, and they have a new single in the Top Five in Iceland.

Vocally, stylistically and interpersonally, Magni has demonstrated his preeminence over the other contestants. He's often in the role of 'house moderator,' the arbitrator of issues. I came across this interview video for Iceland TV. He talks about working on writing some music while he's been interred in the Rock Star mansion, conflicted about whether to write in English or Icelandic. He talks about his homeland; Iceland should be proud of their ambassador of music, he's gaining international exposure and interest in Iceland along with doing a good job of representing his country. During the interview he opens up easily, demonstrating a gentle humor, a depth and breadth; he comes across uniquely unaffected and natural. Magni doesn't drape himself with jewelry, layer on the make-up, have metal protruding from his face nor does he cover his torso with body art. He is for the music, a trait currently lacking in many musicians.

He's gained the nickname 'The Iceman' for obvious reasons; this man's performing style mirrors the country he's from, a country that was formed by volcanic activity yet for much of the time covered with ice. He presents himself, cool, relaxed, yet underneath, there's fire in his veins. His performance of Coldplay's 'Clocks' provides a glimpse of the man's vocal capabilities. He exhibits deep vocal range, power pipes -- you feel that internal fire. The performance that completely sealed the deal for me was his stripped back version of 'The Dolphin's Cry', performed with just his acoustic guitar. Icy-hot delivery, restrained, controlled, an intense performance that he made seem effortless. I see brilliance in this man, his talent putting him on par with Bono with the right career navigation. He is just that good.

I am astounded and confused as to why Magni has struggled the past two weeks in amassing sufficient votes to stay out of the bottom three. One reason may lie in the fact that Iceland cannot vote until after 3:00 a.m., an ill-conceived time period. Fans in the U.S. may have thought he wasn't in jeopardy, but will now have to step up the support. As was recently reported on Icelandic TV, he was a mere 100 votes short to keep him out of the bottom three.

This week he performed Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' with passion, zeal, and fabulous vocals. Wednesday night's performance should put an end to his bottom three streak. In the elimination round he blazed with 'Fire' by Jimi Hendrix. This was the best performance this season in this show. Magni played guitar, interacting with the talented house band guitarist, delivering a stunning performance, drawing attention to the band as a performing unit, not interested in having all eyes focused on him, but elevating the act like a great frontman should -- all the while looking like he and that band had played together for years. I can't remember any contestants in either of the two seasons of Rock Star doing anything even remotely similar.

Witnessed in his performance of 'Fire' was the essence of the molten power and promise of this man's talent. What will be a test of The Iceman in next week's competition is whether he'll release that fire and provide another flamethrower-caliber performance. Magni with his magnificient voice must magnify his efforts, show the world the fabulous gift he owns. Winning this would allow him to break through the window from local celebrity to international exposure.

Whether he wins this or not, the time he has spent on Rock Star can only help him in his career. The future of Supernova as a band is not written in stone to begin with; Supernova is already enmeshed in one legal battle, a lawsuit pending regarding its name. Another Supernova, founded in 1989 in Costa Mesa, California is currently battling to retain sole rights. Someone within the Mark Burnett Productions group apparently neglected to check out the rights to the band's name in the beginning.

I'd like to see Magni gain enough from the experience to amplify, justify, and solidify his course. Supernova would be fortunate to have this man with his talent, heart. and courage to front them -- it would only elevate them.
I write because I love to. I need to. I have to

álfurinn (IP-tala skráð) 27.8.2006 kl. 11:53

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Pálína Erna Ásgeirsdóttir
Pálína Erna Ásgeirsdóttir



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