31.7.2006 | 16:05
Ekki lesa þetta ef þú vilt ekkert vita um keppnina aðra nótt ;)
LaxGuy er með Spoilers sem eru áhugaverðir ásamt spurningum og kommentum sem koma í kjölfarið. Umræðurnar eru talsvert vinsælar og lagalistann fann ég í morgun þar.
Ég mátti nú ekki vera að því að lesa þetta allt í morgun og naut þess í staðinn í þessu kaffihléi. Fyrst vissi ég ekki hvort ég vildi vita meira en auðvitað stóðst ég það ekki og las áfram. Ég hélt að þættirnir væru bein útsending en við ræddum það hér í annarri viku að það væri nú varla þannig. Þeir virkuðu svo klipptir og skornir :)
Samkvæmt þessum þræði þá fæ ég ekki betur séð en að svo sé en það er svo sem allt í lagi. Ég skelli hér inn skemmtilegri umfjöllun um Magna til að spara ykkur leitina ;)
Hann er að fá betri og betri umfjöllun !
"Based on Jason's latest blog I see "Storm" and "Magni" screaming out as his picks of the moment."
"quote:Originally posted by LAXguy
Jason had the highest praise, saying that Magni is pure talent through & through and that, for him, he sets the bar for the whole competition.
Woohooo!! Yes Magni!!! That's great to hear, LAXguy!" (sama síða)
quote:Originally posted by LAXguyquote:Originally posted by mmoneytalks
LAX, can you tell us more about Magni's performance?
How was his stage presence? Did he move around more?
Was he wearing sunglasses?
What were SN's comments?
I so look forward to your spoilers!
No sunglasses this week.
Magni will probably sound better on TV than in the studio. He had trouble singing directly into the mic at times, and so his voice got somewhat lost in the Live mix.
Dave said he was absolutely great and did a fantastic job. Tommy said it was an excellent performance. Gilby said that Magni can always be counted on to bring an emotional performance, but now wants him to do "something special" (i.e. flashier). Jason had the highest praise, saying that Magni is pure talent through & through and that, for him, he sets the bar for the whole competition." (sama síða)
"Oh boy oh boy. Back from taping. Fabulous night, filled with triumphs and train wrecks, tears of wonder and tears of horror....and Tommy fucking Lee on the drums. Holy shit, y'all! A lot of emotion from the Suave Porn tonight - some that I felt, too, some that had me scratching my head, but...quick report - Magni, Ryan, Storm, Dilana fans - prepare to rejoice!!! Your kids killed it in the eyes of Supernova!!! Half of those I felt, too."
Hvaða þrjá söngvara ætli Dave hafi átt við þegar hann sagði eftir að hafa horft a´Patrice?
"But Dave...without spefically including Patrice...said seeing Tommy up there just confirmed for him that about eight of the remaining eleven would "disappear" if T Lee were behind them. Whoa."
Rúsínan í pylsuendanum...................
Magni - Clocks - Coldplay
Rejoice Iceland, rejoice! A tearful package is shown of Magni watching a video from home, of his baby's first steps, which he has missed. Magni, on the tape, breaks down and cries as he watches it, and your studio audience, with NO PROMPTING, "AWWWWWWWs!!!!!" for poor baby-missing Magni. He then comes out, does a great job on the song, though I had problems hearing him from where I was standing. Not so, Suave Porn, who are practically weeping when its over, as much from the song as from Magni's sacrifices to be here. Magni, cool guy that he is, says his fellow rockers have given up a lot too, not just him. But says he really wants to be here, because nothing comes before "baby, wife, family". Again, awwww. One critque - from jason I think - Magni has EVERYTHING, voice, professionalism, stage presense...now they're just looking for that something EXTRA.
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Góðir punktar hjá þér Rabbar. Mér hefur fundist Magni fínn, en vissi ekki hvernig hann myndi standa sig sem rokkar. Nú er ég með hann og Dilana í sæti 1. Hann hefur miklu betri rödd en enn sem komið er finnst mér Dilana hafa betri heildarpakka. Það verður gaman að sjá hvernig þetta á eftir að þróast
Pálína Erna Ásgeirsdóttir, 31.7.2006 kl. 19:22
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.