Karma Police (Radiohead)
Throw It Away (original)
I wondered at first about Toby doing a low-key song to start, but since most of the other Rockers also varied their sets (Magni excluded), I guess it wasnt such a bad thing after all. (It shows variety and versatility, yadda yadda yadda.) Toby also had Magni play guitar on TIA and you gotta see the part where Magni holds the guitar for Toby to play. Anyway, Dave said Karma Police is his favorite Radiohead song and that Toby delivered it great. And we already know how much Dave loves Tobys original. He thought the two songs made for a killer set and compared the whole thing to just kicking back and watching a great Rock Show. Tommy told Toby Nice job, Bro. Gilby thought Toby got a little lost in the melody at the beginning of the Radiohead song, but when he went into his full voice, he sounded great. Jason was glad that Magni joined Toby on the song and that everyone was so comfortable at this stage of the competition. As a result, he felt that this was some of the most energy weve had all summer. He summed it up: Great job, dude. It was awesome!
Fix You (Coldplay)
Headspin (original) {acoustic}
I really liked Lukas on Fix You, but honestly didnt care much for the acoustic version of his original. However, I am prepared to be in the minority, if the tongue bath he received from the judges is any indication. Dave begins by saying how proud he is to be part of a show like this. He thought Lukas did a great job that the Coldplay song was awesome and that going acoustic with his original showed versatility. He ended by saying that he has wondered all season whether he could listen to Lukas sing for two hours, but now he knows the answer. Not only could he listen to him, he would actually buy a ticket to see him. Tommy once again was rendered speechless by Lukas: Those 2 performances freaked me out in a good way was about all he could say. Gilby was ecstatic: That was great, man! That was so good! He thought Lukas sounded beautiful on Fix You, that his versatility is amazing, and that Lukas is fearless. Jason said it was cool, and pointed out that it was Lukas acoustic version of Headspin that got him into this competition in the first place.
Roxanne (The Police)
Supersoul (original)
We got to see the Reality Webisode before the show again today and part of the Drama was about whether Dilana would ruin Roxanne or not. Well, not only did she NOT ruin it, this may have been one of her most effective performances. She stripped down and re-tooled the song, and then let her voice do the rest. She sounded wonderful and even when Toby, Lukas, and Magni joined her to sing, she kept everyones attention riveted on her. Then, despite using a cane through most of the show, she still managed to rock her original clear to the back of the studio. Dave asked her if she knew how much he loved her? Well, he said, multiply it by 1,000. The Police song was killer and the whole thing was incredible just incredible. Tommy thought it was so cool that she had gone up into the audience. You touched everybody, he said though he wished she had a cherry picker to ascend up to the balcony. You are so beautiful to watch perform, he concluded. Gilby said it was awesome and so great. He noted how her voice was so recognizable, and felt they would be remembering it for a long time. Jason felt it was great, then got a little playful in his response. He thought that, next time, the guys should have matching outfits and that Lukas could work on the choreography. He ended by saying that because everyone is so good, it is so flippin hard to figure out who fits best with them.
Hush (Deep Purple)
When the Time Comes(original)
It was certainly a good night for Magni. First, he played guitar for Toby. Then he sang back-up for Dilana. Finally, he rocked the hell outta his closing set. The thing that really stands out when Magni is on stage is just how RIGHT he looks with the House Band. Sure, he may not get the SN gig, but I would love to see these guys tour together! Anyway, Dave (whos word of the night was killer) said he did a killer job and that the Deep Purple song was really exciting. Tommy agreed that Hush was awesome, but then said he honestly doesnt remember a thing about Magnis original (unlike those of the other three). As the audience booed, Tommy challenged us to sing part of it. <crickets> (Guess he has a point
) Gilby started by telling Magni hes had a great summer. Tonight, he loved the Deep Purple, and thought that Magni sang great and performed his original well. (He still thinks the original is missing a 7th whatever that means.) Jason digs Magnis original, saying it may not be as memorable as some, but that musically it is very tough.

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