LaxGuy hefur fallið best í kramið hjá mér varðandi spoilers. Þegar ég kom heim eftir skólann þá fór ég að leita að upplýsingum frá honum. Samkvæmt þeim þá fékk Magni fína dóma nema ef til vill frá TLee svona eins og venjulega. Kommentið frá Jason var athyglisvert.
Málið er að allir voru að standa sig vel og það er ómögulegt að segja hver fer heim. LaxGuy talar þó um að' pottþétt sé að það verði bara einn þátttakandi sendur heim og fjórir verði í final. Hann nefnir það að Brooke hafi sérstaklega tekið það fram.
Samkvæmt þessum heimildum og þ´vi sem áður hefur gerst þá koma allir til greina að fara heim nema Lúkas. Ég fæ ekki betur séð en að Lúkas sé búinn að vinna keppnina jafnvel þó að hann geri það að verkum að SN gaurarnir virðast miklu eldri en þeir eru í raun ;)
Mér fannst þetta bara svo fyndið, en Lúkas er svo flottur í tauinu svo nýtískulegur á meðan Toby fellur svona saman við heildina. Það sem er svo fyndið við þetta er að Lúkas og Toby eru jafngamlir (ef ég man rétt)
En sem sagt eftirfarandi texti er af undir spoilers
Svo er bara að muna að kjósa eins og þið mögulega getið. Magni er sá eini sem hefur tvisvar lent á botninum og ef hann lendir þar núna þá grunar mig að hann sé farinn heim. Þetta er samt fínn árangur en ef ég væri í hans sporum þá myndi mér þykja rosa gaman að komast í final four + það að fá 500 þús frá Spron sem er ekki slæmt :)
Behind Blue Eyes (The Who)
Supersoul (original)
As if the past couple weeks havent been rough enough, Dilana ran into a couple unexpected problems today. First, she tore her calf muscle during rehearsals, and had to be carried out onto the stage. (She remained seated for a lot of Behind Blue Eyes, but hopped around on one foot during her original.) Then, just as she was beginning her original song, there was a problem with the lights that required her to stop for about 5 minutes. (Fortunately during that down time, she treated us to an impromptu and awesome - version of Mercedes Benz.) Dave thought she sounded great and that her voice was beautiful on Behind Blue Eyes, but said that her original was not the favorite thing hes heard from her. Tommy disagreed, and said he might have to box Dave, as he dug her original, as well as loving BBE. Gilby thought the original had a good groove, though her lyrics were a bit too literal. He really loved BBE, though, saying that he heard part of her voice he hadnt heard before and that it was incredible. Jason pontificated that a strong will and strong effort are crucial in this business. Good on ya!
Back in the U.S.S.R. (The Beatles)
When the Time Comes (original)
Although I was a little surprised that the Iceman didnt play the guitar on Back in the U.S.S.R., he sounded terrific on it. And his original sounded good, too though it did seem to go on a little too long to me. Dave thought the Beatles song was killer and that his original made it a rockin solid set. Tommy questioned why both performances were the same, feeling that Magni shouldve brought something extra to his original. (Magni responded that the performances were the same because he was the one singing them both.) Gilby praised Magni on BITUSSR, saying he was such a strong singer that every time you perform, its great. He also liked the original, saying that Magni got him with the opening riff and that it was a good, solid performance. He did say, however, that he got what Tommy was saying about Magni needing to vary his performances. Jason said that the thing that sets Magni apart is his ability to meld with the House Band. He also liked the energy Magni brought to both songs and, echoing Gilby, dug the guitar riff on his original song.
Suffragette City (David Bowie)
Ladylike (original)
As much as I enjoyed both Dilana and Magni, Storm managed to kick things up several notches. First, Dave made a surprise guest appearance on Suffragette City. It was the first time hes performed all season, and Storm was at her sassy, strutting best. Then came her original Ladylike and the bar was definitely set for the night. Dave started the comments by saying that he has been on stage with many great singers and that this performance with Storm felt just like that. Even though he thought the Bowie song was awesome, he had even more praise for Ladylike, saying it was his favorite original on the whole show calling it totally fresh, new, and different. He summed up his feelings by saying that he wasnt sure about Supernovas decision to boot Ryan last week, but that now, after hearing their respective original songs, he thought that SN made the right decision. Tommy said her original song was
. Well, youve got to see what Tommy said, because I dont know how to spell the sound he made. (It was GOOD, though.) He went on to say that seeing Storm and Dave got him fluffed and that it was rad. Gilby talked of how theyve been asking Storm for more diversity, and that she really brought it tonight. He said she & Dave were great on the Bowie tune, and how her original was the song that got her here (when they heard it in the auditions). All in all, the Bowie song was great, as was her original. Jason praised her undeniable energy and thought her performance was so cool.
Livin On a Prayer (Bon Jovi)
Headspin (original)
For the first time this season, the studio audience got to see the whole Reality Episode before the taping began. So I know that Lukas was peer-pressured into taking this song. Even though he tried to change it up by stripping it down to just electric guitar (which he played) and keyboard it came off as fairly meh to me. (I kept expecting the song to suddenly ROCK OUT a la Lithium or JDs Come As You Are but it never did.) His original fared much better, in my mind. Dave thought it was a great set, that Lukas was always compelling to watch. He also liked that Lukas was showing a more emotional side than he had earlier in the competition. Then its Tommy turn to speak. First, he doesnt know what to say, as that stuff is freakin [him] out. Then, he practically hands the competition to him (yet again!) by saying that he has always dreamed of having a singer who looks and sounds like Lukas fronting his band. He also wanted to Thank God and Thank Fuck that Lukas rearranged that Bon Jovi shit. Gilby called it a great, great performance Gilbys word of the night was great and said that he gets inspired just watching Lukas perform. Jason was really glad to hear that original song again, thought Lukas did a good job, and gave special props to the House Band. 
Ég held að nú sé pottþétt komið að endalokum Magna í þættinum. Ég held að allir verði kallaðir upp og Tommy Pamellufokker segi "MAGNI, sorry you have to go"
Davíð Oddson seðlabankastjóri (IP-tala skráð) 5.9.2006 kl. 15:39
"Ég held að...." það gleður mig að þið eruð ekki alveg öruggir á þessu. Ég tel að líkurnar séu 25% að hann fari en það þýðir 75% líkur á að hann fari ekki :)
Ég held að.... hann komist í final 4 en eins og þið þá er ég ekki viss.
Pálína Erna Ásgeirsdóttir, 5.9.2006 kl. 17:14
Getur ekki verið að þeir sendi tvo heim núna. En við gerum náttlega allt sem í okkar valdi stendur til að það verði EKKI okkar maður.
Birna M, 6.9.2006 kl. 00:08
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.