14.8.2006 | 07:34
Ekki lesa þessa færslu ef þú vilt ekkert vita um næsta Rock Star þátt
LaxGuy kominn með "spoiler" samkvæmt honum þá er vænlegt að stilla væntingum í hóf þar sem þátturinn er öðruvísi en fyrri þættir.
Hey folks! Just got back from the Stripped Down edition of Rock Star: Supernova. And, true to that designation, it wasnt a night of high energy, blow-the-roof-off performances. Instead, it was an opportunity for the Rockers to show off their vocals skills and, for the most part, they succeeded.
Too bad Supernova didnt seem to be feelin a lot of it. Jason made it clear very early on that they preferred it loud and rockin and Tommy was more interested in talking about the Vegas trip than in delivering performance-related comments to the Rockers. Only Gilby (and Dave) approached the evening with the proper mind-set, imo.
So, we got a night of solid, though not particularly stellar, performances. It was acoustic and fairly low-key they even had a 4-piece string section! so adjust your expectations accordingly. The show should play perfectly fine on TV, with the camera & closeups bringing added intimacy.
I didnt think anyone tanked though, overall, the guys came off slightly better than the ladies (with the exception of Dilana). Storm fans, however, are going to want to vote extra hard this week, as SN did NOT dig her song AT ALL. (The audience certainly did and loudly booed the negative comments.)
At the end of the show, Jason applauded all the Rockers for their efforts - but said that, next week, they would go back to "crushing it with volume".
Meginflokkur: Bloggar | Aukaflokkar: Dægurmál, Menning og listir, Vinir og fjölskylda, Vefurinn | Breytt s.d. kl. 07:35 | Facebook
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