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Ekki lesa þetta ef þú vilt ekkert vita um Rock Star SN áður en þú horfir á þáttinn

Keppni þessarar viku fór fram "Live" í gær og Laxguy er mættur með sína krítík inn á rockband.com spoilers. Ef þú vilt surprises þegar þú horfir á útsendinguna í sjónvarpinu aðra nótt þá skaltu ekki lesa þessa bloggfærslu.

Mér fannst þetta bara meira spennandi en að sjálfsögðu eru væntingarnar aðrar þegar maðru veit eitthvað. Surprise er alltaf surprise og þegar þú hefur fengið upplýsingar þá er það ekki sama surpræsið ;)

En hér tekur LaxGuy við...... 

So, I'm on my way out of the studio at the end of Today's Live Performance Taping when I run into Producer Dave. Clapping him on the back, I say, "AWESOME show, dude!" and he replies, "Thanks! We're really trying to crank it up."

Are they EVAH!

It was a day of terrific performances -- and some surprises. In addition to Gilby's announced performance with Dilana, we got an unannounced one from Tommy with Josh. And who would have thought that Ryan (of all people!) would top Zayra in the Most Theatrical Performance category tonight -- complete with a bizarro hooded costume.

We got more guitar playing: Josh & Patrice went electric, but Magni put them both to shame with his solo acoustic number. Dilana was awesome as always (I pity poor Jill who had to follow her), but she did not run away with the night. Zayra was fairly restrained, and Storm sounded great, performing a slightly mellower version of WATC (in line with her version of Changes last week). Toby seemed determined not to hit the Bottom 3 again, and pulled out all the stops -- along with an Aussie-flag-draped megaphone.

Even with all the great performances tonight, however, there is one that I think is a shoe-in for the encore. Can I just say: Lukas Rossi is back! He pulled it all together tonight: The voice, the performance, the intensity. Just WOW!

A Bottom 3 is hard to pick, but I figure it will comprise the usual suspects:
Patrice or Josh?

Encore prediction:

Edited by - LAXguy on 08/06/2006 11:28:35 PM

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