3.8.2006 | 12:26
Draugagangur á Mansion-inu Storm.....
August 03
July 31
I know its still the dog days of summer, but how bout a ghost story?
I was warned early on that this mansion was haunted. I love eerie spooky stuff, and am completely open to it so, besides all the other excitement of rocking on TV with the world watching, living in a haunted old Hollywood mansion was also a thrill. Dilana told me her room was haunted and her first week a lot of weird stuff happened not the least of which was her waking up to find herself totally paralyzed in bed, choking, trying to sit up. OK fast forward three weeks Jenny (my roomie) has left the show Zayra (my girl mi amor se llama Gata Peligrosa) moves into my room with me. One night, she tells me she woke up (twice!) paralyzed but wide awake, trying to scream for help right next to me. From there I heard of occurances from the last time they shot here J.D., Marty and Mig, all had weird and awful things happen here but heres mine. Zayra and I both woke up with a start at 2:30 AM Sunday morning (the day we tape the show) totally awake for no reason (later we heard that Patrice woke up at the same time, curiously). Z looks for her little eye mask thing and we both settle in to sleep some more. K
one hour later I wake up to what I think is an electrical sputter from a bad connection hissing and popping. I open my eyes and see my room but suddenly realize Im wide awake but totally paralyzed and now, very frightened. The hiss and pop in my left ear is now a thousand TEN thousand girls voices telling me stuff. I tried to say Zayra praying she could come and shake me up but she was out and no words escaped my lips. I was stuck, pinned to my bed feeling terrified and having these hissing voices go off in my one ear. When it let go, I finally sat up and clasped my hands in prayer Whomever you are, please do communicate with me. Im into hearing what you need to say. But dont do what you just did, please it was utterly terrifying and it will NOT help you
please let me go back to sleep.
It did not (and so far has not) happened again But I am, presently, absolutely alone in the mansion because everyone else went out to dinner. I opted out because I want to turn in early. So here I lay, alone, huge haunted house, writing about the ghost. Hmm Im gong to start thinking about something else before bed Anything else.
It did not (and so far has not) happened again But I am, presently, absolutely alone in the mansion because everyone else went out to dinner. I opted out because I want to turn in early. So here I lay, alone, huge haunted house, writing about the ghost. Hmm Im gong to start thinking about something else before bed Anything else.
Alltaf eitthvað nýtt HLAÐIÐ SPENNU .......
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