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Hér er samantekt þar sem skoðanir fólks þar á Magna koma meðal annars fram af umræðuborði rockband.com


Originally posted by kramerforclark

Tommy Lee and the "little monkey" remark to Magni was interesting...not so sure Magni is too willing to leave Iceland forever, but who knows?

Have you been to Iceland? It's beautiful. The air is clean.

Oh...and it's cold, grey, rainy, sleety, snowy, icy, and stays dark for 20 hours at a shot in winter.

Icelanders love to leave. Really. That's why you'll always find them in Spain and Jamaica and places like that. They think England is sunny! Seriously...Iceland is a place to retire, to have some downtime, but if you want a stellar career every Icelander knows you've got to leave the island.


hmmm....Magni? I think I could see him front the bad.


Posted - 08/02/2006 :  10:16:25 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote


Originally posted by kramerforclark

[quote]Originally posted by flowerdew

[quote]Originally posted by kramerforclark

Oh yes, I know. Clean, extremely low crime rate, and no war! If it weren't so fucking cold, I would retire there. Instead, I'll take SF.

I just thought it was an odd question for Tommy to ask, but perhaps I am reading too much into it.

Yeah, he said, "little monkies" and I believe that Magni has just the one??? I could be wrong, I am getting drunk here. Anyway...I think Tommy was just having some Papabonding with the Iceman. It sounds (all so much so since the nickname has stuck) like they like him, and it was a legitimate question...but it was such an Icelander response: "We're all moving to Iceland, right?"
All Icelanders know they've got a good thing, and they love to rub it in our faces from time to time. They also know they're just a little island in the North Atlantic, an island-sized small town. I once tenatively asked my friend via email before I met her in Reyjavik, "Pretty much everyone up there knows English, right? Like the tv, school, right?" and she answered me so coldly: "Dear, we speak Icelandic. We all do. Everybody in Iceland." It's an unique sense a humor...like knowing I'm vegan and still trying to make me eat fish jerkey... It's such an Icelandic answer.



Dilana, Lukas and Storm - They are the only three I can see fronting this band.

Toby and Magni sort of bring the same level to it and are second tier contenders (both great performers).

I also disagree strongly that Jill has the strongest voice on the show - Storm, Magni, Patrice, Ryan...really powerful, strong, clear voices that they use to great effect (except Patrice on Higher Ground...eccch). Jill, though? Not so much. Although my utter disdain for her fringed blue boots last night might be coloring my opinion of her "talent."


Að lokum Magni kominn með fyrsta tattúið !


Mansion Life is same as ever--went to a Japanese restaurant--oh--and I got a tattoo. Sorry. But the worst part about last week was saying bye to Phil--we miss him dearly--great guy--can’t wait for him to visit us in Iceland.

Nýjar bloggfærslur eru komnar upp hjá þátttakendum og videoclips af viðbrögðum Jill, Dönu og Patrice við því að lenda í botn þremur hér 

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